1inch Network Airdrop Earn crypto while you learn about crypto.

2 min readJul 16, 2021
1inch Network Airdrop Learn & Earn by CoinMarketCap
1inch Network Airdrop Learn & Earn by CoinMarketCap

What cryptocurrencies can you earn?

CoinMarketCap has partnered with trusted & emerging projects to offer an easy way to learn about cryptocurrency, earning cryptoassets as a reward.

Today we present „1inch Network


Token: 1inch
The 1inch Network is a distributed network for decentralized protocols enabling the most lucrative, fastest, and protected operations in blockchains ecosystems. THE MOST EFFICIENT DEFI AGGREGATOR.
Access the most liquidity, lowest slippage and best exchange rates across Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.

1inch Token Quiz Answers — Coinmarketcap Learn and Earn Program.

Follow your way to earn the crypto, you have to choice conservative or passive way.

Conservative way: go to https://coinmarketcap.com/earn/project/1inch Watch the video series & learn about 1inch, join the quiz find the answers by yourself.

Passive way: go to https://coinmarketcap.jotform.com/211958120066957 Start the Quiz, answer the questions. following you can see the right answers.

What you need to join the Airdrop, start the Quiz and win the 1inch tokens.

Coinmarketcap Account
Binance Account

  1. To start using the 1inch dApp you have to:
    Answer: Connect your crypto wallet.
  2. What asset should be in your wallet to begin swapping tokens via 1inch?
    Answer: Just some ETH.
  3. What does the name of the 1inch gas token — “Chi” — initially mean?
    Answer: Seeds used in the dietary menu.
  4. What is the Latin name of the Unicorn constellation?
    Answer: Monoceros.
  5. What is the role of 1inch’s Pathfinder algorithm?
    Answer: Finds the best routes to swap DeFi assets.
  6. To participate in the 1inch Network’s governance process you have to:
    Answer: Stake 1inch tokens.
  7. How many blockchains are currently connected to the 1inch Aggregation Protocol?
    Answer: Three.
  • *** Add 1inch Token to Your “Public Watchlist”
    (Attention: you shall have or register new Coinmarketcap account and allow your Watchlist for public, then you can see the link to your watchlist!
    which you shall add to last Quastion!) The link looks like this one: https://coinmarketcap.com/watchlist/607f33f6ce11f443ba6a2d51

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Crypto world. Investment, Trading, Blockchain, ICO, IEO, Coins, Eco-Systems, dApps, FinTech, Quiz, AirDrops, Reviews, DeFi, Incentivized Testnets, Nodes