Tokocrypto Airdrop Earn crypto while you learn about crypto

2 min readAug 2, 2021
Tokocrypto TKO Airdrop Learn & Earn by CoinMarketCap
Tokocrypto TKO Airdrop Learn & Earn by CoinMarketCap

What cryptocurrencies can you earn?

CoinMarketCap has partnered with trusted & emerging projects to offer an easy way to learn about cryptocurrency, earning cryptoassets as a reward.

Today we present „Tokocrypto

Toko Token TKO

Token: TKO
Tokocrypto is Indonesia’s no. 1 most trusted crypto assets digital exchange. Toko Token TKO is a holistic CeFi+DeFi ecosystem built on BSC. Tokocrypto will launch the NFT Marketplace in a mission to support Indonesian artists.

Tokocrypto TKO Toko Token Quiz Answers — Coinmarketcap Learn and Earn Program.
Follow your way to earn the crypto, you have to choice conservative or passive way.

Conservative way: go to Watch the video series & learn about Tokocrypto. Join the quiz, find the answers by yourself.

Passive way: go to Start the Quiz, answer the questions. following you can see the right answers.

What you need to join the Airdrop, start the Quiz and win the Tokocrypto TKO tokens.

Coinmarketcap Account
Binance Account ID (Attention: we recomend to Complete KYC on Binance to get your Reward!)

  1. In what year was Tokocrypto established?*
    Answer: 2018
  2. What is Tokocrypto Token called?*
    Answer: TKO / Toko Token
  3. What kind of unique token is Toko Token / TKO ?*
    Answer: Hybrid Token
  4. As an exchange platform token, TKO offers airdrop entitlement, merchandise redemption, and …*
    Answer: All of the above
  5. Where can you buy and trade TKO ?*
    Answer: You can buy TKO on Binance
  6. 5 Utilities of TKO as a Hybrid Token are : Exchange Platform Token, CeFi and DeFi, Farming Pools, Lending Platform and …*
    Answer: Toko Mall (NFT)
  7. For Farming Pools what can users do with TKO? Users can lock/stake their TKOs and earn other tokens for free in a farming pool of their choice.*
    Answer: Yes
  • *** Add Toko Token to Your “Public Watchlist”
    (Attention: you shall have or register new Coinmarketcap account and allow your Watchlist for public, then you can see the link to your watchlist!
    which you shall add to last Quastion!) The link looks like this one:

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